We are into the joyful month of June bringing with it lovely, warm weather, gorgeous garden blooms and enticingly long summers evenings! June is just the month for sitting outside, relaxing and enjoying a wee tipple.
With that in mind we created our Refill Rewards Club June box to have the perfect wee snacks to enjoy whilst sipping a Rock Rose Gin or Holy Grass Vodka. We hope you enjoy these wee goodies as much as we do!

We love the story of how Dean’s came about…When Helen Dean first created her delicious traditional shortbread, her friends and family loved the ‘melt in the mouth’ sensation. Her husband Bill, a Drum Major, thought it was so delicious he decided to use Helen’s baking to help raise funds for the local Huntly pipe band. Their touring helped spread her shortbreads fame far and wide, and soon, the aroma of home baking would fill the town as Helen established her own small bakery to meet demand.
Now a household brand, they produce perfect shortbread and biscuits. We love their crumbly Cheese Bites and they are just the perfect wee nibble to have with a wee Rock Rose Gin!
Macarons are one of our favourite sweet treats, which we first discovered when we were living in France many years ago. We missed them when we returned home and so we were delighted to find Mademoiselle Macaron at one of the first trade shows we attended in Glasgow.
Her macarons are perfect and just like what we had enjoyed so often in France. It was brilliant to find the French treat being made so beautifully in Scotland. The chewy, almond meringue allows you to enjoy a moment of sweetness and indulgence!

Did you like the look of our Refill Rewards Club – June box? Sign up to become one of our fabulous members – become a SuperFan, an Appreciator or a Sipper and enjoy regular boxes of goodies just like this.
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