Apple Martini Jellies

By Tipsy Unicorn Sweets

Delicious alcoholic jellies lovingly made by hand using our Holy Grass Vodka and some unicorn magic!


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Apple Martini Jellies

By Tipsy Unicorn Sweets

Delicious alcoholic jellies lovingly made by hand using our Holy Grass Vodka and some unicorn magic!


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(1 customer review)

Holy Grass Vodka


Dunnet Bay Distillers

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Holy Grass Vodka


  • Holy Grass

    The hero botanical in our Holy Grass Vodka! It was discovered growing on the banks of nearby Thurso River by Robert Dick, a legendary botanist. It has a wonderful aroma and was once used on church floors to give a sweet, vanilla smell when walked over, thereby earning itself it’s religious moniker. Also known as Anthoxanthum nitens

  • Cinnamon

    Cinnamon comes from the inner bark of the tree and was once traded as currency! Nowadays as a popular household spice it adds earthier, warming elements to many dishes. We distil the cinnamon in our Holy Grass Vodka to complement the sweeter vanilla and apple notes.

  • Highland Apples

    We use Highland apple juice from Black Isle Berries near Inverness. The freshness of the apple complements the sweeter, vanilla notes of Holy Grass.

Apple Martini Jellies


  1. Delicious! A lovely wee treat


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